Monday, April 6, 2009


We just started the unit on relativity in my physics class. The speed of light is constant regardless of reference frame, so I started to wonder, "If you travel at the speed of light, can you see anything?"

I asked the professor about it, but I wasn't entirely clear. Apparently, in the reference frame of a photon, the universe is an "infinitely thin pancake."

This didn't really answer my question, so I tried again. This time the professor understood what I was trying to ask and responded, "That's a silly question because you can't move at the speed of light."

I responded: "I would say that my question is no more silly than this entire unit."



  1. I think the real question is if relativity pancakes taste better with syrup or powdered sugar...

  2. I think the real question is if you will update your blog after finals. I'm hoping yes.
